I believe that Woman who have been impacted by their partners addiction and mental health struggles need support too.

And when they get the right support, they are not only better for themselves, but better able to show up in a healthy way in their relationship with their partner - whatever that relationship looks like. 

Addiction impacts the whole family unit, and we are here to support Women who have been impacted by an addiction that isn’t theirs. 

The support and coaching here is focused on you, and supporting you to rebuild the trust in yourself and live a peaceful and full life. 

It starts with YOU.

How it works…


Work out where you are now.

You’ll book in a friendly chat and be asked a few questions to help me know what’s going on for you at the moment.

Friendly, judgement free and confidential.


Identify what it is that you want.

Let’s open the doors of possibility together and talk about what it is that you desire. We will dig deep. Everything is on the table.

This might be the first time you’ve thought about this. That’s ok.


Identify the blocks and work out the next step.

This gives you awareness as to what is stopping you from getting what you desire and clearly identifies the first step to take.

That’s all we need to focus on, the next step.

"I was consumed by my loved one recovering. Shifting the focus to myself was no easy feat. But with Amanda’s amazing support through the 1:1 and group coaching, it has absolutely been possible. Focusing on my wellness recovery has provided me the opportunity to grow and live a full and meaningful life by learning intentional practices, tools and strategies to prioritise my well-being daily. I will be forever grateful, thank you Amanda"


Register your interest for the next Pathway to Wellness Program intake


  • It is for you if you have been impacted by a partners problematic use/addiction. Whether you are in the relationship, have left, are thinking of leaving, are on a break or have temporarily stepped away. It is for Women who have children and don’t have children. It doesn’t matter what the substance or problematic behaviour is - it’s HOW it has impacted you. And that is a shared experience among all Women in this space.

  • Yes, the sessions are live coaching and very interactive. This is an international community, so there are three options each week to choose from. It’s best to join the waitlist so you don’t miss out on the next time the doors are open.

  • Absolutely! The Pathway to Wellness Program is tailored to what you need. You can choose to do the Pathway to Wellness Group Program, and you can combine with some additional 1 :1 support down the line - there’s no one size fits all.

    Or if you know you definitely want 1:1 support, join the Signature Program.

    We can discuss the best option for you when you book in your friendly chat.

  • The Pathway to Wellness Program has been through a huge update. It is now more flexible and agile to living 'life'.

    There are now 3 group sessions EVERY week to choose from, so if you miss a week or two, it doesn't matter at all - as we are going to be together for 3 months.

    All the 'learning' is in your pocket - through the easily accessible online portal, and you can listen to the videos/audio lessons while on the move and keep coming back to them as often as you need.

    And remember, with the group sessions (and even 1:1 sessions) you don't have to have your video on. Maybe you're in the car driving, or at the playground or waiting at soccer practice. Video on or off, participate or just listen in - there is no wrong or right way.

  • Both have their place for sure. The group coaching sessions are amazing for community and to hear your struggles in the voices of others. To see in other lovely people like you that you are not alone in this. To have that sense of belonging in a safe place while we learn and grow together is priceless. The 1:1 sessions are excellent for tailored and specific work that you'd like to do in a private setting.

    If you know you want to do the coaching program but don't know which path to take - because I know making decisions is hard right now - and this is something we will work on.

    Sign up for the Pathway to Wellness Group Coaching Program and you can always upgrade to the signature program or add a few 1:1 sessions in at a later date. The important thing is to START!

  • The short answer is no. Some people join this program that have accessed a 12 step program and have either found it didn’t quite provide what they needed or, some clients still attend some 12 step meetings in conjunction with this program. There is no one size fits all in recovery!

    There are no steps in the program. This is a forward looking program for people that want to actually get ‘unstuck’ and stop living in their story. We bring intentional actions to what we can control and the tools and strategies we need to make our life better - to live. We support each other, lift each other up, maintain a curious mind and a generous heart. We lean in to what is possible and share in our struggles and triumphs.

  • Book in a friendly chat using the link below and I'll make a recommendation on what level of support would be a good fit for you.

Let me help you live your full life, whatever you choose to do in your relationship. At the end of this program you’ll feel more confident in yourself to make choices that align to the life you want for you.