With a diverse journey that spans from the world of Commerce Degree and Corporate Accounting and Finance to the compassionate realm of addiction recovery, Amanda is disrupting the conversation around addiction, shedding light on its often overlooked impact on families and spouses

Working with people from all corners of the globe, Amanda coaches and empowers spouses and families with tools, strategies to feel more confident in navigating a loved ones addiction, through 1:1 and group coaching work and an online program.

Amanda Works in Brisbane and South East Queensland, and is happy to travel to Melbourne, Sydney and further afield in Australia and Internationally for speaking engagements depending on her availability, as well as being available for virtual keynotes, workshops and programs as well.

Need a guest speaker for your next event?

Speaker Topics

  • My story, what the other side of addiction looks like and and how I made it through.

  • Mental Health and Wellbeing

  • Let’s talk about Addiction and debunk some unhelpful myths, it doesn’t discriminate

  • How to keep moving forward, navigating adversity, resilience, growth and change.

  • Professional Speaking Events

  • Rural & Remote Speaking events

  • Key Note Presentations

  • Conferences

Available For

  • Workshops 1/2 day

  • Group Coaching programs

  • Coaching and Mentoring

“Empowering families and spouses to break free from the shadows of addiction, Amanda Lockyer is not your typical speaker. Amanda is disrupting the conversation around addiction, shedding light on its often overlooked impact on families and spouses.

Armed with a genuine passion for dismantling shame and stigma, Amanda is on a mission to redefine the narrative surrounding addiction. Through 8+ years of personal and professional experience, Amanda brings a unique perspective to the stage, encouraging open dialogue and fostering curiosity and compassion with some tasteful humour along the way - acknowledging it’s not all bad, but it will have you on your knees..

As a keynote speaker, Amanda goes beyond the shaming stereotypes, weaving together her lived experience and coaching expertise to connect with audiences in a kind and compassionate manner. Addiction knows no boundaries, and Amanda is dedicated to bridging the gap between individuals, families, and the support they may not even know they need.

Much more than a speaker, Amanda is a catalyst for change, infusing energy, passion, and relatability into every presentation. Her ability to captivate audiences of all backgrounds creates a transformative experience, leaving attendees with not just knowledge but actionable tools for a brighter, more connected tomorrow.