Thank You!
I meet the most wonderful people here.
Even though it is through pain, challenges, desperation and hopelessness that can connect us. It is here that I have met some of the most gorgeous humans.
At Addiction Makes Three it is my mission to change the conversation so that people can feel safe to put their hand up and get support, earlier. No matter which side of this conversation you are on.
My focus is on helping you get back to living your great life, and encouraging you to do that even when you might not believe it’s possible. To live your great life is nothing less than you deserve.
Even though this work can be extremely challenging, I love it. I love walking with you as you grow and keep an open mind to new ideas and I love when you tell me how something has WORKED! I actually do a happy dance every time.
I could not do this work without you and without those cheering on from the sidelines.
Thank you for being here, with your open hearts and minds, and for staying curious with me.
Gratitude for Amanda & Addiction Makes Three
I have been humbled by offers of gratitude, and truly sitting with these gestures has taken me out of my comfort zone! It’s not a common practice in my part of the world.
Your appreciation here truly keeps me going and helps expand the capacity of what I offer and to support and reach more people. If you have been helped by anything here at Addiction Makes Three and would like to contribute a gratitude payment, you can do so by clicking on the button below.
Thank you!